Top 5 Weirdest Beauty Trends of 2018

top five weirdest beauty trends

Hey loves and welcome back to my blog!

I am so excited to write this post because I've been seeing all over the internet these weird makeup trends going around that are just absolutely crazy and I would never try. It's just so funny to look at them and read about them because it's something I never thought I would see people do.

Society today is absolutely crazy and tries to make the weirdest things a trend. So, I figured why not write about them so you can have a laugh too. Here are my top 5 picks for weirdest beauty trends of 2018.

top five weirdest beauty trends

Squiggle Brows. This one I cannot get over nor stop laughing about. Why in the world do people want squiggle brows or to change their eyebrows natural shape period? I get shaping them and making them fuller, but squiggle brows? Really? I'm dying...

top five weirdest beauty trends
- Vagina Nails. What did you just say? Yes, I just said VAGINA NAILS. This is just too much. They are literally a vagina on a fingernail on your hand. WHY?!? Who in their right mind had this idea was absolutely brave as hell and crazy as hell because there is no way I would have a private part ON MY FINGER. Sorry not sorry, lol.

- Nostril Hair Extensions. Okay, so I've heard of people trimming nose hair but not trying to add it up until now. This absolutely insane. No hate to this girl she is absolutely beautiful but I have to say this was a bit unnecessary. You guys, just trim your nose hair or leave it alone... Please don't try to make this a thing, lol.

top five weirdest beauty trends
- Squiggly Lips. As if the eyebrows weren't enough they had to go and try to make lips a thing too. This is just completely unnatural and overall does not look right in my opinion. If you like it, go for it but it's just never going to be a thing in my beauty book. This is crazyyy.

top five weirdest beauty trends
- Hairy Nails. I shouldn't even have to go into detail with this. Hair doesn't belong on your nails. I'm sorry but this is overall just plain creepy and it would freak me out every time I would look at my nails. I would never.

So those were the top 5 weirdest beauty trends I could find and I hope you all enjoyed reading this entertaining post. It was absolutely crazy and if I offended anyone I'm sorry but everyone has a right to their own opinions. Anyway, if you liked this post and would love to read more like it then just comment below what you would like for me to post and I'd be glad to do so! Also, don't forget to follow me on social media which is linked all over my blog!


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