Fall Morning Routine | Blogtober Day 3

fall morning routine coffee apples

Mornings have never been my thing, especially in Winter, but when it comes to Fall it's a different story let me tell you. I have these themes in Fall mornings where I just want to wake up and get ready and be productive because it's so cozy and comfy and exciting all in one. Fall is by far my favorite seasons and so this is by far my favorite morning routine. Yes, I change up my routines by seasons because some are harder to deal with than others. For example, Fall it's cozy and comfy and I want to get up and wear a flannel and boots and Winter it's freezing and I don't want to leave my warm bed, even if it's for coffee or breakfast... So, why do I love my Fall morning routine so much and what is it that makes it so special, you wonder? Just keep reading. :)

1. In the morning, I typically like to get up around 5:30-6 just because I end up more productive when I wake up early in the morning and it gives me time to get me time in before my day starts. So, once my alarm goes off most of the time at 5:30 I'll typically lay in bed for about a good 10-15 sometimes 20 minutes and just scroll on my phone. I'll go on Pinterest and WeHeartIt and look at quotes and then just some cute Fall pictures to make me feel a little more cozy. 

2. Once the bathroom is calling my name... I'll get up, head to the bathroom, and just use the restroom, brush my teeth, and splash my face with cold water to wake me up a little bit and moisturize because it's super important and it's going to help so much get me into the habit of doing so in those cold winter months when it's crucial to do so. 

3. After I'm done in the bathroom, I'll head back into the bedroom and just make the bed because it makes me feel a lot more put together and makes the bed look really nice and the bedroom look really clean. 

4. Now, it's time for my favorite part... COFFEE. I like to change up my coffee style every season with different creamers, spices, etc. Two things I love for Fall is I'll either add in pumpkin spice creamer and some pumpkin spice seasoning on top or I'll go in with that same creamer or a hazelnut or even vanilla and sprinkle some cinnamon on top which really helps to wake your brain up too in the morning, studies show. 

5. Once I have my side kick in hand, I like to either head back into the bedroom for a bit or chill on my couch with a comfy blanket and watch, yes I'm extra for this, Halloween movies. Not really horror movies but things like The Corpse Bride, Coraline, all of those are so good to watch in the mornings and it really puts me in a good Fall mood in the morning. 

6. After I've drank my coffee I like to grab a water bottle which is always 16 oz. and sometimes I'll do 24 oz. and just chug that really quickly just to go ahead and rehydrate and get it over with. Hydration is so important for your skin, mind, health, and just body overall. It definitely I've noticed has helped with bloating too. 

7. Once I chug that I'll usually go ahead and start my workout. This is always either power yoga or circuit training which I do both of at home where I'm comfortable. Most mornings in Fall consist of yoga because it's more calming and really, to me, gets the job done because I end up sweating just as hard as circuit training. 

8. After I finish my morning workout I like to sit somewhere comfy and move my phone, turn off or down my TV, and make it distraction free. Then I'll sit and meditate for a good 10 minutes at least just focusing in on me, my body, how I'm feeling, and my breathing. This is so good and really helps you get in tune with your body and your mind at the same time. 

9. Now that I'm done with all of that I'm usually pretty hungry by this time. Fall mornings normally for me consist of Oatmeal for breakfast with some cinnamon and berries but I'll also at times just have some eggs or toast if I'm feeling like being less extra. 

10. Once my breakfast is all prepped and ready to go, I'll head into my dining room with my food and water and then sit there and just eat and watch either my Halloween movies or I'll chill on my phone and check any updates or social media posts I missed from the night before. 

11. After I get through eating, I'll head back into the kitchen and wash the dishes I used. Then I'll light up some fall candles, and head towards my desk. Once I'm situated and have settled down at my desk I'll open up my laptop and get to work on my blog. This can be writing and scheduling some days or on others, it could be just editing and scheduling for uploads.

12. Now that I've worked on my blog and ebook for a good 3-4, if not more, hours I like to get up and head into the bathroom and get a good hot shower to relax me and make me get out of "work mode" and to do this I always take a really hot shower and kind of calm myself down to get work and blogging off my mind or else it takes over. A few of my favorite fall products for the shower are by far this spiced pumpkin cider scent by Bath and Body Works. It smells amazing and it's literally like Fall in a bottle. It has that sweet but also musty scent to it and I can't recommend it enough. Every season I like to buy the body wash, lotion/body butter, and the body spray. It smells SO good. My favorite shampoo and conditioner right now is HASK in the scent cranberry and pomegranate. It smells so good and it's actually made from greek yogurt? It seems weird but it works wonders. My hair feels so smooth when I'm done using it and it honestly feels safer to use it in my hair than regular/store-bought products.

13. Once I'm done taking my forever long shower I like to sometimes blow dry my hair if I'm feeling it but if not I'll leave it to air dry and just put some leave-in treatment in it to help detangle it when I go to brush it after makeup and just braid it or put it halfway up or even in a bun if I'm not going anywhere.

14. After I'm finished up with my hair, I'll go ahead and do makeup. Even if I'm not going out I still like to do this to kind of make myself feel put together and more confident. If I'm not going out, I'll do a simple look but if I am or I'm filming for YouTube I'll go ahead and do a more full-face/glam look. My favorite looks for Fall always consist of a good maroon colored lipstick.

15. Now that I'm all put together, I'll head into my closet and pick out an outfit for the day. Most of my fall outfits consist of a good flannel, tanktop under (it gets hot around lunch), a good pair of boots which normally consists of my black ones that lace up in the back (they are super cute). Then I'll spray on some perfume or body spray and two of my fall favorites are Dark Flora by Victoria's Secret OR twentyone black by Rue 21 (which I've worn since like 6th grade). They have that sweet musty smell to them that just smells so much like fall and I love them so much.

16. After I'm completely put together and ready to go I'll either clean up my house and just work some more on my blog or I'll head out the door and go run errands or whatever else I need to do that day.

That was it for my Fall morning routine loves! I hope you all enjoyed reading and check back tomorrow for a new Fall/Halloween related post because I'll be posting every single day up until the 31st of October! Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment and let me know what your favorite Fall scents are! Also, sharing is caring. :)

fall morning routine coffee apples

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