August To-Do List (Monthly Goals)

august to do list monthly goals

It's finally August 1st so what better way to bring in the new month than an August to-do list full of my monthly goals and things I NEED to do this month! This post is to inspire you with fun and great new things to do this month to make it the best August yet! I cannot believe that 2018 is already almost over it honestly feels completely unreal. Since we are now down to 6 months until 2018 I figured why not start writing this posts each month up until the long-awaited New Year's Resolutions post!

August is a great month full of back to school things and videos, getting closer to October and fall and the best holidays, the weather starts getting a tad bit cooler every day, and it's super exciting. Also for me, it's my Mom's birthday month! It's a really exciting month that I'm looking forward to. This post is intended to give you all some ideas of what to do this August also to live it to the fullest and have the best month yet!

Also, side note before we get started I added a follow button to the sidebar of my blog at the top so you can follow along now finally and stay updated with my posts! Under my Instagram, I also added my subscribe to emails form so you can get an email from me to update you every time a new post is up. So anyway, now that I've updated you all and kept rambling so long let's just get into the post! I hope you all enjoy reading and don't forget to follow and subscribe in the sidebar when you finish reading!💕

Leave a comment if you enjoyed this post and what your August to-do list is! ❤

1. Do something special for my Mom's birthday. 

birthday cupcakes candles

As I mentioned above August is my Mom's birthday month and I really want to do something special and sweet for her this year. I haven't in such a long time because I've either been 14 hours away or completely flat broke. When I was younger I would make her DIY cards and little things or I and my Dad would pick her up some jewelry, candy, and flowers. It's just special to me and would be to her to do that for her birthday this year. You never know how many years your loved ones have left in their tank. Do these things while you can and create great memories.

2. Go swimming while you still can. 
swimming swim beach pineapple

This summer has not been a fun-filled summer like I thought it would be. I've been super lazy and not blogging, working, even going out. I'd literally just sit inside and do nothing. While it's still sort of warm outside I definitely want to go swimming some more before it's freezing cold. I've gone swimming and to the beach, a total of one time this summer and then got stung by a jellyfish... not fun.

3. Work harder. 
work hard

You all know how lazy I've been for the past month on blogging. I've had a ton of burnout moments because I'd overwork myself. The truth is, I wasn't writing content I was fully happy writing. Now I'm back and better than ever and realize my blog doesn't have to be ONLY about makeup there are other post topics too now! It's something I love doing and don't want that to change just because I had this idea in my head I had to stick to this certain topic or niche.

4. Organize your closet. 
organize closet

One thing I hate and I'm sure you do too, is organizing your closet. The thing is though August is a fresh start. It's August 1st let's do it! You'll and I'll feel so much better after it's all organized and clean and you'll probably find your favorite clothing piece you forgot all about!

5. Paint/Draw something. 
paint draw art

One thing I used to love to do and I'm sure you do to is paint and draw. It's so therapeutic and calming and I love drawing so much. It's like writing to me, it's a full-on hobby. I've been told since I was like 10 I have talent in art and would love to get back into it this month. You should too! Everyone can paint/draw with just a little practice and a whole lot of love!

6. Start some new TV series. 
netflix series

Lately, all I do is rewatch PLL or FRIENDS. Honestly, I need a full on new series if not two or three. That's definitely on the list for this month as well as watch a ton of great movies because well, I'm a homebody.

7. Finish everything on my summer bucket list. 
summer bucketlist

I'll be honest, I haven't done but one thing on my bucket list. That's okay though, August is the one month you have left to finish it all up before it gets cold outside and you can still get it all done! It's just the perfect time to do it all.

8. Get back into yoga. 
yoga zen meditation

As I've said before, this summer I've just been super lazy so obviously, that includes on yoga too. When I was doing yoga I just felt so much better and so much more zen. It's super helpful when you're stressed, sad, mad, etc. It's just a good feeling and a great calorie burner. That plus meditation after my flow was more relaxing than a good hot bubble bath.

9. Have more pamper nights. 
pamper bubble bath routine

Pamper nights are something I was obsessed with back in high school. They just give you the time to not only relax but really take care of your skin, hair, body, and really mind too. There's no better feeling than getting pampered and squeaky clean. That's why I want to start getting back into good hot bubble baths and exfoliating and shaving and moisturizer. They are super helpful and also calming at the same time.

10. Eat healthier. 
eat healthy fitness

This is something I've struggled with because my fiance loves to eat pizza and pizza rolls a ton so we don't really buy many healthy foods. As for me, I love to eat healthily and the feeling of eating healthy. Honestly, I can cook some healthy foods really well as long as I have Pinterest by my side. I've put on a few pounds and would love to get healthier and feel 10x better this month than the past few.

11. Make some blogging friends. 

This has been on my to-do list for a while now and I'm finally putting it to the test. I've been wanting to make some blogging friends and connect with other bloggers for ages now but I've been so worried about putting myself out there and getting to know other bloggers. I felt like they would judge me, my blog, or just overall not like me and think I'm weird for reaching out. In all honesty, I realize I can't live my life in fear and who know making friends with bloggers might be the best friends I've ever made. You never know until you try.

12. Drink more water. 

Drinking water is something I've always struggled with up until the beginning of last month. Since last month all I drink anymore is water, green tea, and occasionally coffee completely black. It feels so much better than soda and sugary drinks that ruin your teeth and body. Now this month my goal is to drink 10x more water than last month. Just because it's so good for your body and really helps detox and all of the above.

13. Declutter. 

It's a new month and all I want to do is just get rid of some of the junk I own. There are so many things not being used and just a waste of space when someone in need could use these items. So, this August I definitely want to declutter and get rid of a lot of things that I either don't want or need any longer. Decluttering is such a peaceful feeling afterward and just makes your home so much more zen because there's no clutter stressing you out.

14. Be more creative. 

From blogger burnout the past month I haven't been creative at all. From blogging to post ideas to bullet journaling and drawing I just haven't let my creative juices flow. August is a new month and a great beginning for post ideas. Also to not stick so hard to one niche that doesn't fully make me happy and ends up boring me after a couple of posts.

15. Workout more often. 
workout healthy fitness

As I said, lazy has been completely in my bones this past month so something I definitely want to start doing is working out way more often than I have been. Running is something I really love to do and the feeling afterward is incredible if it weren't for shin splints. Otherwise, I want to build my shins up and my body up and start running more often because I love the feeling and especially running to a great beat.

16. Get better sleep. 
sleep dog cute lazy

All through July, I would not be able to sleep until about 4 AM and then sleep until about 2 the next day. Not only is that super unhealthy but it's also really frustrating and why I haven't gotten much work done at all. It's not a feeling I want to keep feeling and I would really like to start waking up earlier and being more productive. Waking up earlier is just a great feeling to me when I get enough sleep at night so I would love to be able to do that again every day. Now that it's August too, my fiance is back on morning shift and we get up at 5 and then my Mom will want to take me out with her more often because my little brother is back in school. Getting better sleep isn't just an option anymore it's mandatory.

17. Go out more often. 

For the past probably 3-4 months I've stayed inside and haven't really gone anywhere except to get food and to the grocery store. This month I really want to get out more and go shopping, go to the movies, travel, etc. I used to all the time and had the greatest time so it's something I'd love to start doing more of again. I'd like to experience things in my life while I'm still living to do it.

18. Fix up my home. 
home renovation work

One thing we haven't had the money nor time to do is fix up our house. There are a few things that need to be fixed and we still need some cute furniture and decor to fix it up and really make it feel like home. This is something I'm dying to do this month because I've been waiting about 6 months now and I'm so ready to just fix it up and make it feel fully like home and not just a house.

That was my full to do list for August you guys! I hope you all enjoyed reading this post and that it inspired you with some fun or productive things to do this month. That was the main purpose of this post because I know that sometimes we get to the end of the month and realize we didn't do something last month and then say we'll do it this month and then put it off again and again. This post should hopefully inspire you to remember those little things and get it all done this month! Anyways, I hope you all have a great August and check back Monday-Sunday for new posts because I'll be posting hopefully daily now. :)

Also, don't forget to follow and subscribe over on the right sidebar so you can stay up to date on new posts when they go live. Thanks for following and supporting me along this journey!


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  1. Thank you! :) Not sure if I'll achieve them all but I'm going to try my hardest anyways.

  2. Beautiful post, sure you'll do all these things!!

    1. Thank you so much! :) I’m definitely going to try my best haha.
