Post-Workout Skin Care Routine

post workout skin care routine

Welcome back to my blog!

Today I wanted to finally get back to the beauty posts and why I really started this blog. I got up today, cleaned my house for two hours, done my yoga again FINALLY and I missed it so much, went for my walk/run, inhaled a ton of water and had two cups of coffee and I'm finally feeling good again and really productive. I've been so productive today and back to my usual self and it just feels so so good. 

Now that I am back to my usual self I had to write my usual beauty posts and since I worked out again today finally I figured why not write a post-workout skin care routine? I know a lot of people who struggle daily with breakouts from working out because of the sweat and oil it causes so I figured I would write this to help anyone with that issue. 

So, if you need a new skin care routine after your workout, just keep reading mine!

The first thing I love to do after I get home from a super sweaty run is hop straight in the shower. I cannot stand the sweaty gross feeling all over me and then how sticky I feel when it's dry. Going ahead and showering will reduce the chances of acne on your face, back, chest, and wherever else you may have an issue with it. 

After I'm out of the shower I like to moisturize from head to toe. The face is definitely important because if you are like me and love to shower in hot hot hot water and wash your face in the shower then it can definitely cause some dry skin. Definitely always be sure to moisturize the second you get out and not just your face but the rest of your body as well. 

Once I get done with that I'll go in with my E.L.F. cosmetics acne medicine which I got at Walmart on sale for like $1 a while back and still use it to this day. It's called acne fighting spot gel with aloe. The ingredients in it are salicylic acid, witch hazel, camphor, tea tree, green tea, and aloe which are all super helpful at fighting those annoying pimples. The second I see one try to come up on my face I just rollerball the heck out of it with this product and it does seem to go away ten times quicker than before I started using this product. 

After I use that on any spots I notice I'll sometimes do a face mask but the majority of the time I don't because I'm so tired after my workout so I'll just let that dry, brush my teeth, throw on some chapstick and my favorite will forever be Carmex. 

That's all for my post-workout skin care routine loves! I hope you enjoyed reading and check back soon for more great posts. :)