Lazy Sunday Routine | Relax & Refresh For The Week Ahead | Pampering & Cleaning Day

Lazy Sunday Routine | Relax & Refresh For The Week Ahead | Pampering & Cleaning Day

Hey loves! Welcome back to my blog and thank you for reading as always. Today I wanted to write my lazy Sunday routine because Sunday's are just such a good relaxing day to get all of the small things done around the house and for yourself. They are also the best to have a good lazy day to relax and refresh before the stressful week ahead. When I take Sunday's to pamper myself and clean my house I feel really refreshed and ready for the week ahead. Also, nothing feels better than a clean house for the week ahead of me.

These posts are really fun to read and inspiring which is exactly why I had to write it for all of you. Hopefully, this post can inspire you to take some time out on your Sunday and just relax and refresh because sometimes you just need it after a long week. Last week I filmed this for YouTube and lost my footage... So, I realized maybe it was for a reason and I was meant to write it on my blog. Now here I am writing it for you all. Some might not think it's beauty related but trust me when I say it is because it's good for your mental health to have one of these days but also because Sunday's are my pamper day to shave, use a face mask, hair mask, bubble bath with candles, relax, do a full skincare routine, do my nails, etc. Nothing is better than a Sunday, the day before the week starts, etc. Now if your week starts on Sunday then you could do this on Saturday or something if you would like but for me, it always starts on Monday so that's why I like to do these things on Sunday. Anyway, I'll stop rambling on if you all want to read my lazy Sunday routine and ways to relax and refresh for the week ahead, just keep reading!

  • So the first thing I love to do when I wake up on Sunday is just wake up to something motivational to give me a positive outlook on the day. This could be a good quote, video, whatever it may be it just helps to motivate me to get things done for the day plus gives me a positive outlook on the week ahead. 
  • Once I get done doing that I like to get up and brush my teeth and wash my face, throw on a hair and face mask, and all of those little things so they can be sitting in my hair and on my face while I'm cleaning. 
  • After I've done those few things I like to throw on some workout gear because it motivates me a little more to clean and not only that they are just super comfy to clean in but also just really breathable and moveable to clean in. 
  • Once I'm all dressed for cleaning up, I'll start on the cleaning. I always start in the bedroom and just make the bed because that makes it seem so much cleaner and makes me more motivated to keep cleaning and not crawl back into the bed. 
  • After the bed is made I like to grab everything that doesn't belong and put them where they go. Clean clothes in the closet, dirty in the basket, trash in the trash can, papers and work items in my desk, etc. Really just take the time to declutter and get rid of it all to make it feel more open and just better overall. 
  • Then I'll make my way into the kitchen and do the same. I start by decluttering and throwing away all of the trash in the kitchen and then putting away things where they go. Then I'll start on the dishes to get them out of the way. 
  • After I'm done with dishes I like to grab a cleaning cloth and some warm water and usually dish soap but sometimes I'll use something like Windex to clean but I just later that up well and then wipe everything down. All of the appliances, surfaces, etc. just wipe it all down and clean it really well to get rid of any food or dirt or any debris. 
  • After the kitchen is wiped down I'll go into the living room and make the couch and wipe down all of the surfaces in there and then go into the dining room and do the same. Then I'll head back into the bedroom and wipe down all of the surfaces in there. 
  • Once I'm done wiping down all of the surfaces and dusting a little I'll go ahead and sweep the whole house.
  • Then after I'm done sweeping I go in with my Swiffer and mop the whole house because clean floors at the beginning of the week are everything. 
  • After that, I just light some candles and spray some air freshener and I'm all done with the cleaning portion of my day! If I have any laundry to do during the day I'll also do that but normally it's only one day a week I have to deal with this but most of the time I like for it to be on Sunday. 
  • Now that I'm done cleaning I just like to go to the closet and grab some comfy clothes which usually consists of my sleep shorts and a big comfy t-shirt. Then I'll hit the shower. 
  • In the shower, I'm just focusing on washing the hair mask and face mask off. Then I'll just wash my body and run bath water, grab some candles and soak in the tub for a good 30 minutes. 
  • After I've soaked about 30 minutes and I'm a good wrinkled up raisin, lol, I like to go ahead and shave because my pores are opened up and I'm good and ready to hurry up and get out at this point because I always get too hot, always do. 
  • After I get out I like to blow-dry my hair, moisturize my body and face, and then cut and paint my nails. 
  • Now that I'm done with all of that I literally just love to chill and watch some Netflix and most Sunday's have a good movie night with the LOML. 
  • After we've watched one good movie I grab my bullet journal and planner and plan out my week because it's so much easier to plan ahead and the day before the week starts so you'll know exactly what you need to get done that week and just makes you feel good, organized, and scheduled for the week ahead so it's ten times less stressful to try to figure out what you need to do. 
So, that was my whole lazy Sunday routine loves! I hope you enjoyed reading and this motivated you to set your own relax and refresh routine to help you get ready for the week ahead and feel ten times more refreshed and ready to conquer the week. Thank you all so much for reading and check back for more SOON! :) 


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