Fall Night Routine (Cozy) | Blogtober Day 4

fall autumn cozy lights coffee candle laptop bed

We all love to have those good, cozy, Fall nights where we just drink a good hot beverage and chill in bed while watching a good Halloween movie. It's the best feeling and the best way to relax. Fall nights are my favorite type of night so I had to write a routine for you all this blogtober. I hope you all enjoy reading and don't forget to comment below if you enjoyed the post and what your favorite Halloween/horror movie is! :)

1. So the first thing I love to do on a good, cozy, Fall night is to just come home and take off all of my makeup and change into some comfy clothes. I'm never ever cozy unless I'm in my comfy clothes which normally consists of some joggers, an oversized shirt, fuzzy socks, and my hair in a bun. There is literally no better feeling.

2. Once I'm done getting unready for the night, I head into the kitchen because it's right around dinner time by now. The thing I love to make in Fall is for sure either soup or chili because it's just such a warm and cozy food and that's what Fall is all about. My Mom raised me on soup in cooler weather, which is probably why I'm like this now haha.

3. After my food is finally done, I'll head into the living room and just turn something on TV. I know some think it's awful to watch TV while you eat but I've always done it and don't find anything wrong with it as long as you are comfortable. So I'll just put on normally something cute yet spooky like Coraline or The Corpse Bride but if I'm feeling like a TV show I'll turn on my new current favorite which is Life Sentence or my old favorite (which is great for Halloween and Fall) Pretty Little Liars because as you can tell, I love Lucy Hale.

4. Once I'm done with my dinner I'll turn off the TV and head back into the kitchen to wash all of the dishes I used to cook and eat with. Then I'll make me some sort of beverage that is Fallish. This consists of hot chocolate, some decaf french vanilla or hazelnut coffee, or green tea. Something is just so comforting about warm drinks in Fall and Winter.

5. Now that I have my drink in hand I'll head into the bedroom light my favorite fall candles and just crawl in my bed, grab my favorite book which right now is #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso and it's so good and motivating if you're a blogger or YouTuber or influencer or entrepreneur of any kind. If you want to check it out for yourself here's the link > #GIRLBOSS and she also has an interactive journal I got that I absolutely love and really helps me keep and stay on track and motivated which I will also add the link to here > #GIRLBOSS journal if you want to check it out. I highly recommend them because they have literally motivated me so much and made me feel like a bad a** and like I can do anything.

6. After I've read at least a chapter or two, or three I won't lie. I'll head back into the bathroom and brush my teeth and start on skincare. For skincare, all I do is just wash my face and get off all the extra makeup that I didn't get off earlier. Then I'll go in with my under eye cream and also my moisturizer because moisturizing is super important for your skin.

7. Now that I'm all pampered and relaxed, I'll crawl back into my bed, set my alarms, and go straight to sleep (if possible).

That's all for this post and my Fall night routine you guys! I hope you enjoyed reading and don't forget to comment your favorite Halloween movie! I need some new recommendations. Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to subscribe on the right top hand side and also remember that sharing is caring. :)

Side note: Affiliate links may be included in this post which means if you purchase them through the link I will receive a small commission off of the purchase. Every product I recommend has been tested by me or will be and is by a brand I trust. Would never send my audience to products I wouldn't use myself.


fall autumn cozy lights coffee candle laptop bed

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