10 Favorite Fall Films | Blogtober Day 5

halloween horror movies october

Maybe some of us love horror movies, and maybe some of us don't. Here's the thing, I grew up on them and absolutely love the adrenaline and thrill of horror movies. It's just a weird/different feeling that interests me so much and I just love the suspense of them. So, if you want any good recommendations or anything, you came to the right place because I've seen a ton of great ones.

1. Insidious
This will forever be one of my favorites. It's just so suspenseful yet interesting and just so different compared to the typical "haunted house" film. I love every one of these movies and highly recommend them. The first one is by far my favorite but they are all great.

2. The Conjuring
This movie, the first time I watched it, kept me up all night. I was utterly terrified and couldn't sleep for anything and this movie was the only one that could ever do it to me. I'm sure most of you have seen it but if not it's definitely a good one to watch but just be careful, you probably won't be able to sleep. I was terrified of my closet after this one.

3. Annabelle
This one is absolutely great in many ways. Not only is this doll completely creepy but it has a ton of great jump scares. This one didn't keep me up all night like The Conjuring but it surely kept me on the edge of my seat and had me freaked out for the next few hours afterward. Also, I got rid of all the porcelain dolls my Mom had stored in my room because they freaked me out after watching this movie.

4. Sinister
This movie is literally so creepy it gave me chills. It was terrifying but also so good and interesting because of the actual storyline. Honestly, I'd give these 10/10 because they were so good.

5. Coraline
Now to get more into the cartoon version of Halloween movies Coraline is a great one. It's got that little scare and creepiness in it from button eyes to getting almost trapped in another world. It's a great cartoon movie that is creepy, but not too much for a younger audience to watch too.

6. The Corpse Bride 
The classic go-to animated Halloween movie. I love this movie so much and it's not creepy it's just cute to be honest, to me anyways. I really love this because it would be creepy to little kids but for mid-age and up it's really good and just overall really cute. This is the perfect Halloween movie to watch in the morning or mid-day to put you in that Fall mood.

7. Halloween
Back to spooky but more of a classic. We all know about Halloween movies and they are SO good. I can't even put into words at how much I love Michael Meyers and how much I would pick him over any classic horror movie character. They also are supposed to be coming out with a new one October 19th, which I plan on seeing because it looks so good and I love some Michael Meyers.

8. Nightmare on Elm Street
Who does not love to watch a little Freddy Kreuger? The literal other classic. I love love love to watch these movies but the last one they made and released was obviously my favorite. It was so good and had a great amount of scary with the perfect story-line. Just watch out kids, he'll come for you in your dreams. :)

9. Veronica
Honestly, this one's a sort of new one but it's really good. It's a Netflix original and has a ton of hype that really is worth watching. It's so good and would be even better if it was in English and you didn't have to read subtitles, but it has an AMAZING amount of jump scares and it's just completely creepy and kept me up all night just like The Conjuring which I didn't think could be beaten. I highly recommend.

10. Poltergeist
Not really one that most people love, but I loved it. It was so different compared to the, again, typical "haunted house" film and was just really suspenseful. It's not one for many jump scares but I do recommend it if you love suspense or creepy things. I've never watched the classic but I did watch the newest one that came out, a few times actually.

So those were my 10 picks for my favorite fall films. They are so good and I highly recommend them and giving them a try anyways. Take it from the horror movie queen, haha. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading this post and comment below your favorite horror films and also your pick on this question: Freddy or Jason? :) Thanks for reading loves and check back tomorrow for a new spooktastic blogtober post.

halloween horror movies october

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