How I Practice Self-Care

tea relax chill

One of the most important things that most people forget about these days is self-care. Maybe you worry too much about family, friends, a boyfriend or whoever and you just forget about yourself to make others happy. Sure, it's good to make other people feel good but you can't forget about yourself and your own well-being. So what should you do to practice self-care and to take more care of yourself instead of putting everyone else above your own needs all the time? That's what this post is for.

I, as a person with a ton of anxiety, know how easy it can be to fall into this dangerous hole of constantly thinking of only other people before yourself. It's toxic and dangerous. If you don't care for yourself and something happens with you and that person say it doesn't work out or they don't talk to you for a while, who are you left with? Yourself. In the end, you have to learn to take better care of yourself because if you don't you won't know what to do when that person leaves. Don't rely on someone else for your full happiness. Yes, they can aid in it and help you be happy but don't rely fully on them or else what if one day they are gone and you don't know how to take care of yourself or love yourself?

There's a world you can create for yourself full of nothing but self-love and care and it's one of the best planets in this universe. It's so calm, peaceful, and happy. It's like there's nothing left to worry about besides little things that rarely matter. The truth is, you can take care of yourself and love yourself if you truly put in the effort.

So, in this post here is how I practice self-care and love to make sure no matter what if nobody else has got me, I got me.

- Meditation 
art dawn dusk meditate

When I'm really feeling stressed or worried about something I can roll out my yoga mat, do a good flow and then just sit and meditate in the quiet or just listen to nature sounds, rain, or waves. It's so calming and relaxing and I'm just so zen afterward that nothing bothers me. If anything bothers me afterward I still feel like it's going to be okay whereas before, I didn't feel this way.

- Running
endurance exercise exercising running

Mostly running but any workout and the endorphins afterward are my favorite form of self-care. Not only is it good for my physical health but it helps me so much more mentally after I'm done running. I can have 20 thousand and one things on my mind before my run but after there's not a thing left besides how proud I am that I worked out and also how badly my shins hurt. It's such a powerful feeling to know I can run it out, sweat it out, and breathe it out. It helps my mental health so much more than I ever imagined and though it can be a pain to do during the run it's worth it after.

- Bubble baths and pamper nights. 

One of my favorite forms of self-care is bubble baths and pamper routines. Something about laying in a tub full of hot water, bubbles, a bath bomb, and candles lit around me is the most soothing thing in the world to me. It just really honestly helps me to detox and take my mind off of anything that is stressing me out or worrying me for the day or night. It's also good for physical health because I'm taking care of my skin by exfoliating, shaving, moisturizing, etc. afterward. It's so relaxing and is always my favorite thing to do after a long hard day of blogging or a tough workout.

- Writing 
hand notebook writing

One thing I've learned when I'm feeling sad or mad if it just jot it down on a piece of paper or just type it in google docs something about it just feels like I talked it out and got it off of my chest. It honestly feels so good to just write it all out and get it out of my head. It's like as I write it it's all pouring out of my head and leaving my thoughts and just sitting on paper in front of me or my screen. It's so calming afterward because I just got it all off my chest. Sometimes as a person with social anxiety I don't want to talk to others because they'll judge me or think weird of me so I just write it down. It really does help a lot and is really useful if you are a blogger or author.

- Water

Another thing I love to do by practicing self-care and love is drinking a lot more water. It's totally worth it to pee so much because it's so good for you. Drinking water has been known to help detox, clear up the skin, increase metabolism, help aid weight loss, and so many other great benefits. I used to hate water but now, I drink it all the time because it's something you should do as part of really caring for yourself by taking care of your body. Same goes for healthy eating, do it because it's good for you!

- Podcasts/Reading
blur blurred book

I had no idea about podcasts until a few months back Kalyn Nicholson started hers and I started listening. Listening to these things changed my life. It's sort of like reading but you aren't because you're listening. They changed my life because of how motivating and inspiring they actually are so I use this and reading as part of my "me time" every day or night. It's super relaxing and not only that but just really really motivating.

So those are all of my ways to practice self-care! These tips are tried and true and everyone works differently and is different and unique but I highly recommend you try these tips out. As I said, you have to take care of yourself because in the end you are left with yourself eventually sometime or another. Self-love is the best feeling I've ever had and the best love I've ever felt. Remember, no guy or gal can truly fully love you if you can't learn to love yourself first. Take care of yourself and your well-being it's important. Mental health is important and should not ever be ignored. If you need someone to talk to I'm here at all times and my email and my social media links are all over my blog. Please don't hesitate to contact me or comment below if you need me.

If you enjoyed this post please share and comment below what your ways of practicing self-care are! Thanks for reading and check back soon for more posts.  💕ꜛ Also, before you go don't forget to follow and subscribe to my email list over on the right-hand side of my site so you can stay updated everytime I post!

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howto practice self-care


  1. Oh I love bubble baths and bath bombs. Hard to do sometimes when you have a dog who insist on crying at the tub since he wants to come in haha. Wonderful tips


  2. Me too girl they are so relaxing! Oh my goodness, that's too cute haha! I love fur babies and reading cute things about them. :) Thank you so much for reading!
