Full-Time Blogging + Working From Home | The Pros & Cons

full-time blogging work from home pros cons

Hey loves and welcome back to my blog!

For today's post, I wanted to share with you all of the pros and cons of working from home full-time as a blogger. There are a ton of ups and downs in blogging and making it a career. It can be the most challenging but most rewarding thing on the planet. So, I figured why not share with you the full pros and cons list of blogging full-time to share with you how I really feel about it.


- You get to stay in your PJs all day.
- You sometimes get more done around the house.
- You never have to deal with other people, other than family in your house of course.
- The coffee maker is right in your home.
- You save money on gas, lunch, drinks, etc.
- You save a ton of energy and don't have to get up at 5 a.m.
- You get to do what you love.
- You can help others with advice and tips they might need.
- You can make a good income just working from home.


- It's a lot of work. Writing, staying up to date on the latest trends, dressing up for photos, taking photos, editing, adding links and working on SEO and keywords, it's a lot more than some people think it is.
- Some days you make more than others. One day you'll make a ton of money the next it could drop way down and you not have enough for even gas money. It's a back and forth process that is sometimes super hard to even deal with and makes you wonder if it's all worth it.
- The competition is hard. There are so many great bloggers out there that have been at it for years. They are all really hard to add up to. I'll be honest I used to put it in my head that I would never be enough for YouTube or Blogging because of how successful these other bloggers and vloggers are up until one day I realized, they probably felt the same way at one time now look at them.
- Emails, on emails, on emails. The endless emails are so hard to keep up with sometimes. Trying to reply back to all of them and then ending up missing one and feeling bad for not seeing it when they sent it. It gets frustrating.
- It's time-consuming. Don't think it's just writing a post and publishing it in about 10-15 minutes. Bloggers spend hours upon hours to write these posts plus edit them and get them up and out there. When I used to work a regular day job I worked 2-11 each shift 5 days a week and that was that. There was no coming back and checking it or doing more. Now with blogging, I'll start working early in the morning and work until my fiance gets off of work and then end up getting back on the computer later that night to make sure everything is edited, ready to go, and check emails again one more good time and reply to any that I need to.
- You get burnt out so easily. I've never lost inspiration like I have blogging so many times. Some days I'll have it all and I'm ready to go and write and schedule and then the next day I just can't stand the thought of it and have no inspiration to do so. I have no inspiration for posts or topics either and I sit there for 30 minutes with a pen in hand and blank piece of paper because I can't figure out what to write. It's hard when you've been blogging for so many years and you just run out of great ideas.

So, that was all for this post you guys. I know the cons definitely outweigh the pros but I'll be honest it's 100% worth it at the end of the day knowing you are helping and inspiring others. I would never choose to do anything else other than blogging.

Thank you all so much for reading and check back soon for more! :)

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