How To Grow Your Hair Out Faster

hair long beautiful pretty

Have you ever had that feeling when you just got your hair cut and you look in the mirror and absolutely hate it? Me too, and we've all been there. It's a nightmare and literally, you have to spend 10x longer in the morning fixing it because you don't love the way it looks. It happens to the best of us and sometimes we just have to deal with it. What if I told you though there was a way to grow your hair back out faster? It seems unrealistic honestly but if you take good care of your hair then it'll grow a lot quicker than you think. Since I was a baby, my hair has always grown 10x quicker than the average person it feels like. Why is that? Because my Mom took really great care of my hair up until I could and she taught me to do it. Which is why my hair is healthy, long, and well-taken care of. So, you want to learn how to grow your hair faster as well? Just keep reading.

Also, side note... don't forget to subscribe on the right-hand side and also share this post and comment if you loved it. If you have any extra tips I would love to read them in the comments below as well. Now, onto the post. :)

1. Don't wash your hair every single night.

This might sound gross, crazy, or weird but it's SO important. If you want your hair to grow you have to at least give it a break every one to two nights. Shampooing can really strip your hair and damage it badly. The more your hair gets damaged the less it's going to grow. Not only that but some shampoos can really dry out your scalp. Also, if you have color-treated hair this is something you want to do. It helps your color last longer because you aren't constantly washing it out which helps you to not color it so often so that leads to less damage.

2. Get a trim.

I suck at this tip if you want me to be honest. The only way I do this is by trimming it myself at home which is fairly easy. By trimming your hair or getting it trimmed it helps to prevent and cut off any dead hair and split ends. If you have split ends they are awful and lead to even more damaged hair + frizz. The best way to get rid of this and get your hair to grow faster is to trim it. If you don't love how much the salon cuts off you could always trim it yourself at home like I do. It's not only better for length but also saves you a good penny.

3. Hair masks.

These are life savers and are so good on your hair. If you're feeling like you need to wash your hair in the middle of a no-wash cycle you can just throw on a hair mask and rinse it out. Then you're good as new. Not only that but it really helps nourish your hair and your strands from dryness and more. Less damage = more growth.

4. Don't use heat tools.

This one is hard because I know half of us hate the ways our hair looks when we don't style it. The thing is though heat tools are so damaging to your hair and are the number one cause (minus coloring) of damage and nasty split ends. To cut down on heat tool use try to limit it to every few days. On the same day you wash your hair, every few days, go ahead and blow dry it out that way it looks shiny and straight but yet that's the only heat you used on your hair. You can also braid it, leave it in overnight, and when you wake up you'll have heatless curls. When you do use heat tools though, or if you need to for a special event, just make sure to use a heat protectant. Otherwise, do a cute updo or braid.

5. Brush from bottom to top, not top to bottom.

When you brush your hair after a shower (not recommended) or when it's dry use this tip. It will lead to so much less breakage and will definitely help with split ends and growth. Instead of brushing from the top to bottom and literally yanking your knots out, start from the bottom. Slowly work your way up until you work the tangles out. This way your not brushing and just literally yanking half of your hair out. It's definitely more time consuming but it saves you from so much breakage and damage. Also, if you can get one or have one after you shower it's recommended to use a wide-toothed comb because it works the tangles out easier and doesn't break your hair out. Your hair is really vulnerable after showering so make sure you use something to help stop breakage.

6. Use the right shampoo and conditioner.

This one is a no-brainer. Don't go and use something that works though on someone else just because they claim it works. Everyone is different, including hair. It might help them because they have dry hair but you have oily or vice versa. You have to find one that works for you. I know people say it's no good like I said everyone is different, my Mom has used Pantene on me since I first grew hair and it made and still makes my hair grow like crazy. Not only that but it makes it super soft and shiny. Like I said, everyone is different, so just find one that works well for you and really seems to nourish your hair.

7. Use less product in your hair.

Some products are okay, but if you're using a ton and some just aren't good for your hair at all then you're really damaging your hair. Just make sure to only use a few and that they are really nourishing and good for your strands. If you find one you want to try out, do your research and make sure the ingredients are nothing but good that way you'll be taking care of your hair. This leads to less damage which is obviously great for growth.

That was all for this post! I hope you all got some great hair-care tips from this post and that you enjoyed reading it. If you have any more recommendations feel free to leave them below for others to try out and use as well. As always, check back for more posts soon. :)

grow hair fast

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