Beauty Blogs | 5 of the Best Beauty Blogs You Should Be Following


Hey loves and welcome back to my blog! So for this post, I wanted to share with you a list of my absolute favorite beauty bloggers of 2018. This is a list full of who I'm loving reading right now and who inspires me every day to do what I do.

These women are incredible and extremely powerful. They have incredible blogs and have made it such a long ways from all of the hard work that they have done. I'm so inspired by these bloggers and look up to them in so many ways. So, if you would like to know who I'm inspired by, just keep reading.

  1. The Urban Gal  Now The Urban Gal's blog is more based off of fashion and style than it is beauty but she is absolutely gorgeous and I love her work so much! Her Instagram is also great and I love love love to follow her. She's such a hard worker and you can see it in every post which is so inspiring.
  2. Katie Jane Hughes Katie is a beauty blogger and a makeup artist so you can see already why I get my inspo from her. She's so gorgeous and has some of the best beauty tips and looks out there which I love! 
  3. A Style Album I absolutely love this blog it's full of great beauty tips and tricks and product recommendations which is something that I love to write for you all. They have an absolutely gorgeous blog and I highly recommend checking it out for all of the best beauty tips and tricks in the book. 
  4. Patricia Bright She has a ton of great beauty products recommended that led me to getting most of my products and she also just has great beauty tips and advice and her blog layout is absolutely stunning. 
  5. Zoe London she also has a YouTube channel, like me, and is completely gorgeous and you can tell she works hard from all of the work she puts into her posts and videos. I highly recommend her as she is someone else that I just love to look up to. 
That was all of my favorite beauty blogs and the blogs I recommend that you follow for yourself and your own inspo and own beauty tips and advice to read. I hope you all enjoyed and check back M-F for more! Also, if you have any other recommendations of bloggers for me to check out leave a comment below! :) 


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